A. Approaches To  Learning

B. Social And Emotional Development

C. Physical Development And Health

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D. Language, Literacy, And Communication

E. Mathematics

Data Analysis: Children use information about quantity to draw conclusions, make decisions, and solve problems.

F. Creative Arts

Art: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through two- and three-dimensional art.

G. Science And Technology

Drawing Conclusions: Children draw conclusions based on their experiences and observations.
Communicating Ideas: Children communicate their ideas about the characteristics of things and how they work.
Natural and Physical World: Children gather knowledge about the natural and physical world.

H. Social Studies

ObsDiversity: Children understand that people have diverse characteristics, interests, and abilities.

I. Religious Education

Religious education emphasize awareness and importance of celebrating our relegious festivals and customs. It develops understanding of fair- unfair and the importance of caring, sharing and co-operating with others. In addition to our Religious Education curriculum, we also focus on teaching of:

J. ICT  Skills

ICT is a potentially powerful tool for extending educational opportunities, both formal and non- formal. ICT develops the following skills in our students:

Extra & Co-Curricular  Activities

Co-curricular activities give the students an opportunity to develop particular skills and exhibit their academic abilities. In other words, the curricular activities groom students in the “Art of living and working together.” They are the true and practical experiences gained by students by their own learnings. At The Savvy School we are providing various level appropriate co-curricular activities, which are to be conducted in the campuses, along with their details. Some of them are: